
3 Tips for Those Considering a Skilled Trades Career

Perhaps you plan to graduate high school soon and aren’t certain college is the right path for you. Or, maybe you are in a dead-end job and want to find a career you can love. Whatever your case may be, learn about three tips for considering the skilled trades sector.

1. Pick a Trade You Find Interesting

Choose a career you can love. Some skilled trades pay more than others, but you don’t want money to be your sole consideration. For example, electricians make more money than industrial maintenance mechanics, which only require around a year of specialized on-the-job training.

To become an electrician, however, you must complete at least a four-year apprenticeship. In addition to working thousands of paid on-the-job training during each of those four years, electrical apprentices must also complete hundreds of hours of technical training each year as well.

If the idea of formal electrician training appeals to you, perhaps an electrician is a good fit. If classroom training is not your strong suit but grabbing a wrench and figuring out what is wrong with a piece of machinery is, you will likely be happier as an industrial maintenance mechanic.

Give careful consideration to what your natural abilities, interests, and current skills are. If you enjoy being outdoors and like to build furniture, a position as a carpenter’s helper might be right for you.

You also want to consider any limitations you might have. For example, if you have a fear of heights, you probably don’t want to apply for entry-level roofing positions. If you grow bored easily, make sure you choose a skilled trade where every day is a new adventure.

2. Consider Future Employment Potential

Some skilled trades will almost always be in demand. For example, mechanics of all kinds, whether industrial or automotive, usually have little trouble securing employment. Vehicles and machines break down whether the economy is in a slump or not, and someone has to fix them.

Additionally, automobiles are more sophisticated than ever before. Mechanics must be more highly skilled to troubleshoot computerize systems. And as people continue to hang on to their vehicles longer due to their expense, repairs and maintenance needs are more common.

Some skilled trades are more recession-proof than others. Other skilled trades may not have as much protection against a sluggish economy. If the country is in a recession and the housing market is slow, people in the building trades, such as framers, roofers, and finish carpenters, may find themselves with less work than they would like.

Additionally, some skilled trades are more versatile than other. For example, if you have experience in a few different construction areas, your jack-of-all-trades abilities may be especially desirable to small companies who want a well-rounded employee who can multi-task rather than having to take on more employees during an economic downturn.

Of course, the economic pendulum always swings, and momentum can shift the other way. During an economic boom, carpenters may find themselves working far more hours than a regular 40-hour workweek whereas other skilled trades may continue to enjoy more balance in their professional and personal life.

Cautiously considering economic factors at the start of your skilled trades career will likely lead to higher job satisfaction in the long run.

3. Register With an Employment Agency

Working with a staffing agency is beneficial to employees in every industry, but an agency can be especially useful to workers considering a skilled trades career. American companies currently face a skilled labor shortage. Older workers are retiring, and younger workers have not replaced them quickly enough. This leaves many companies desperate for people.

If you are not certain which skilled trades area might be right for you, a staffing agency will provide you the opportunity to explore many different areas. And because many businesses are anxious to hire suitable candidates and begin training, the hiring process is often shorter than applying directly would be.

If you think one of the skilled trades is the right career choice for you, contact us today to explore the many different opportunities we have available. Our clients await the drive and talent you have to offer.

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