
Not Using Temporary Workers? Why You Should Reconsider

Staffing agencies provide invaluable services to employers in need of qualified talent. Some business owners may hesitate to use their services because they do not realize the value of the help the agencies provide. If a company has never used a staffing service, discover a few reasons to reconsider.

Reduce the Cost

The cost and effort to hire and train a new employee can cause business owners to put off or neglect to fill positions. Businesses spend a little over $4,000 per new hire, and employers know they have wasted their money if the candidate does not work out as planned.

Staffing agencies save the companies they work with time and effort because they match the company with only qualified candidates. Their effort reduces training time and lowers the costs involved with hiring. The employer does not have the expense of providing the benefits they normally would or paying for a background check.

Accept New Challenges

A new endeavor may mean more work than what the current staff can handle. The concern that the expansion might fail or that a contract may not turn into a long-term opportunity could cause people to hesitate. A business owner would not want to take on responsibilities their current team could not handle, but they may also not want to hire people if they could not offer them job security.

The employees who work for staffing agencies understand the position may not develop into a permanent job offer. The individual arrives under the agreement that they remain through the course of the new project and that they may or may not receive an offer at its completion.

Shorten Candidate Searches

It takes an average of 42 days for employers to find candidates for open positions. Businesses must advertise, wait for resumes, review the applications, and begin the interview process. Once the employer has a selection of acceptable candidates, they must call references, perform background screenings, and potentially start another round of interviews.

A company working with a staffing agency can call the service and tell them what they need. In a few days or less, the qualified candidate will arrive and begin work. The company in need can continue their work with no noticeable delay.

Prevent Staff Overwork

Remaining staff members must take up the undone work for employees that become ill, take family leave, or use their vacation time. In a busy work environment, this could lead to excessive overtime or too much responsibility for some employees. Mistakes can happen, people become susceptible to burnout, and work does not get completed in time.

Where the position remains empty for weeks or months until the employee can return, companies could lose other valuable staff members. Extra responsibilities often go to the best workers because employers know they can trust them. Unfortunately, that can overburden people and cause them to leave.

Temporary workers fill empty positions so work continues with no delays or stress. The temporary worker leaves as expected when the missing employee returns. The business never has to pay higher unemployment compensation taxes because they let go of someone hired to fill in a gap.

Help Job Hunters

What business owners and managers may not realize is the benefit they provide to the employee from the staffing agency. Not everyone at a staffing service wants a long-term commitment. Some people work in seasonal jobs that they love, and they use temporary work during their off-season to make it possible to continue.

Temporary jobs enable workers to have exposure to new industries and learn new skills. The experience can help people improve their resume. Staffing services also appeal to retired workers who want to supplement their income and have the chance to become a part of the workforce occasionally.

Everyone involved benefits from the unique services offered by staffing agencies. At Tulsa’s Green Country Staffing, we can help you find the right candidate for short-term positions and potentially permanent jobs. Contact us to learn more about what we offer and how we can help you. 

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